English Civil War

KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War

KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War

KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War   KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War
KIRK'S RAIDERS A NOTORIOUS BAND OF Scoundrels and Thieves. During the Civil War, the North Carolina and Tennessee mountains saw deep divisions among Confeerates and those loyal to the Federal government.

The 2nd and 3rd North Caolina Mounted Infantries of the United States Army, led by Colnel George Kirk were two gegiments that allowed native Southerners to fight for the Union. Were these nearly 2000 men brave patriots or nothing more than traitors to their homeland.

Were they gallant warriors or little more than vagabonds, scoundreds and thieves. Softcover, 183 pages, maps, illustrations, soldier roster list, etc..
KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War   KIRK'S RAIDERS 2nd 3rd North Carolina Infantry US Army Southern Union Civil War