For the Serious Civil War Historian and Genealogist. This is the Largest compilation of historical and genealogical books on the Civil War to be found anywhere on the planetary surface. No one comes close in providing you this much useful information at this low price. Rosters, Photographs, Battles, Biographies, Prisons, Letters, Diaries, Journals, Magazines etc. States in the Civil War Collection.
New Hampshire - 25 Books. New Jersey - 15 Books. New York - 112 Books. North Carolina - 21 Books.
Rhode Island - 25 Books. South Carolina - 27 Books. West Virginia - 12 Books. The War of the Rebellion - 128 Books.Confederate Veteran Magazine - 372 Issues. United Confederate Veterans - 70 Books. Letters Home (Soldiers) - 32 Books. Diaries and Journals - 58 Books.
Photographic History of the Civil War - 12 Books. Grand Army of the Republic G.
Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read.
It's like having the actual book in front of you. Simply type in a word, name, place or phrase and the. Function will locate the word wherever it exists within the text. The process only takes a few minutes per book and saves you many hours in searching these books for the information you want. Your Ancestors are waiting to be Discovered.
The Civil War Topics Collection. 100 Great Battles of the Rebellion. (A detailed account of Regiments and Batteries engaged - casualties, killed, wounded and missing and the number of men in action in each Regiment). Kremer- (1906) - 380 total pages. A Full and Detailed History of the Siege of Vicksburg. Abrams- (1863) - 84 pages. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.(This is a 4 Volume set based upon "The Century War Series" containing many maps, drawings and photographs). By contributions from Union and Confederate Officers - (1887) - 3164 total pages.
Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield. Excerpt from page 37: The prize may be lost, or torn from an enfeebled hand by a hand more powerful, yet the noble spirit and the real heroism of the sacrifice remain forever! They live in memory : they live in history: they are with us in our Monuments, to refine our selfishness, to purify our ambitions, to chasten our hopes, and to exalt our courage. Battlefields of the South From Bull Run to Fredericksburg. (With Sketches of Confederate Commanders, and gossip of the Camps and maps).
By an English Combatant - (1864) - 562 pages. The Illustrated Comprehensive History of the Great Battle of Shiloh. Howard - (1921) - 364 pages. Not listed due to space limitations. 100 great battles of the rebellion; a detailed account of regiments and batteries engaged -- casualties, killed, wounded and missing, and the number of men in action in each regiment; also, all the battles of the Revolution, War of 1812-5, Mexican War, Indian battles, American-Spanish War, and naval battles. State rosters from the several northern states, giving the enrollment, number killed, wounded, died and deserted from each organization during the war. By Wesley Potter Kremer - (1906) - 366 pages. Two armies in the civil war (1909). A brief history of the Ladies' Memorial Association of Charleston, S. From its organization in 1865 to April 1, 1880. Together with a roster of the Confederate dead interned at Magnolia and the various city church-yards.By the Ladies Memorial Association of Charleston - (1880) - 42 pages. A brief history of the Thirty-fourth regiment, N. Embracing a complete roster of all officers and men and a full account of the dedication of the monument on the battlefield of Antietam, September 17, 1902. Chapin - (1903) - 188 pages. Blake - (1906) - 424 pages.
A history of the First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers : from its organization in 1861 to its muster out of the United States service in 1866 : also, a complete roster of the regiment. Lothrop - (1890) - 418 pages. A List of the Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville. Copied from the official record in the Surgeon's office at published.
By The Tribune Association - (1866) - 100 pages. The Barbarities of the Rebels, as shown in their cruelty to the Federal Wounded and Prisoners; in their outrages upon Union men; in the murder of Negroes, and in their unmanly conduct throughout the rebellion. By Colonel Percy Howard - (1863) - 52 pages.
The Southern Side, or, Andersonville Prison compiled from official documents and appendix showing the number of prisoners that died at Andersonville and the causes of death; classified lists of all that died in stockade and hospital. Jeffrey - (1893) - 286 pages. United States Bonds; or duress by Federal Authority - a journal of Current Events during an Imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware. Handy of Augusta County, VA. Stephens - His Diary kept when a prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865; Giving Incidents and Reflections of his prison Life and some letters and reminiscences.By Myrta Lockett Avary - (1910) - 600 pages. Narrative of Prison Life at Baltimore and Johnson's Island, Ohio. Shepherd - (1917) - 40 pages. The War of the Rebellion. The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.
No serious study of the American Civil War is complete without consulting the Official Records (OR). The 128 volumes of the "OR" provide the most comprehensive, authoritative reference on Civil War operations than any other record documenting this war. The reports contained in the Official Records are those of the principal leaders who fought the battles and then wrote their assessments. The Official Records are thus the eyewitness accounts of the veterans themselves.
Contains 111 Books and focuses on military operations. These include the battle reports for both Union and Confederate armies, arranged chronologically by campaign and theater of operations. Union reports are followed by Confederate accounts. The intent is to provide a complete history of the event in the same volume.
Contains 5 books, and includes "miscellaneous" Union correspondence, orders, and reports pertaining to the organization and logistics of the Union war effort. Series III also includes calls for troops, correspondence between National and State authorities, and correspondence between Union and Confederate authorities. Contains 3 books, and includes "miscellaneous" correspondence, orders, and reports of the Confederacy. Also found in Series IV are the General and Special Orders of the Confederate States Army, as well as correspondence relating to conscription and blockage running. General Index, and Additions and Corrections.As primary source material, the. Are, without question, the most complete and impartial documentation on the American Civil War.
They provide a foundation for serious research into virtually every aspect of the war. One of the many privileges of winning a war is that the victors gain the right to record history as they want the world to remember them. Too often, the conquered never get to tell their side of the story.The binding pride and ideologies of the South are remembered within the volumes of these historical treasures. Was a window to these ideologies with a greater understanding of the southern stance to both unify and be remembered for their accomplishments, struggles and losses. Was a publication that ran for 31 years with a total of.
Monthly issues between 1893 and 1923. The magazine was published by "The Sons of Confederate Veterans". These historical references are loaded with articles, photographs, rosters, drawings, maps, biographies and much more. The contents are literally riddled with product and service advertisements of the era which give insight to the needs and wants of a post war turn-of-the-century society.Report on the Re-Burial of the Confederate Dead in Arlington Cemetery. (Attention called to the care required for the graves of the Confederate soldiers who died in Federal prisons and military hospitals now buried in the northern states).
1101 United Confederate Veterans - (1901) - 26 pages. Roster of the Ex-Confederate Soldiers Living in Lincoln County. (Lists both Companies and Regiments and honors those that fell with included obituaries).
An address delivered by A. Nixon and before the United Confederate Veterans- (1907) - 26 pages. First Annual Confederate Gray Book. Lists members of Camp no.
484 and photographs of Confederate monuments and Macon County, GA business advertisements. Smith - Camp No, 484 United Confederate Veterans - (1912) - 64 pages.
Record of the Confederate Sailor. Devoted to the history of the Confederate Navy and those that served in it. Register of Confederate Soldiers who Died in Camp Douglas 1862-65 and Lie Buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago Il. (Complete roster of Name, Company and Regiment, there are 4,317 patriots listed in these pages).
8 United Confederate Veterans - (1892) - 72 pages. (Pictures of each of the tattered, torn and bloodied flags tell the story with a description of each flag and the brave souls that fought for them). By Bacon, Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey- (1899) - 774 total pages. By Cooke, Chauncey Herbert - (1915) - 104 pages. Letters from a Surgeon of the Civil War.
Compiled by Martha Derby Perry - (1906) - 268 pages. War Letters of a disbanded Volunteer. By Joseph Barber - (1864) - 324 pages. Letters from the Twelfth Vermont Regiment. By George Grenville Benedict - (1895) - 228 pages. Army Soldier's Letters to Charming Nellie. Polley- (1908) - 358 pages. A Confederate Girl's Diary. (The author, a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, records her experiences as a young lady living in the Confederacy during the war between the states).By Sarah Morgan Dawson- (1913) - 482 total pages. Army Life of an Illinois Soldier.
Includes a Day by Day Record of Sherman's March to the Sea- Letters and Diary of the late Charles W. Compiled and published by his sister - (1906) - 394 pages. The author was a member of the U. Army, Wisconsin Light Artillery, 6th.By Jenkin Lloyd Jones - (1914) - 440 pages. Diary of a Tar Heel Confederate Soldier. The life of the man behind the gun.
His narrative provides an overview of a soldier's itinerant routine over a four-year span, during which time the basic need for sleep, food, and clothing became as important as the battles he fought and survived. By Louis Leon - (1913) - 324 pages.
Army Life From A Soldier's Journal. (Incidents, Sketches and Record of a Union Soldier's Army Life, In Camp and Field). Marshall- (1883) - 416 pages. Diary of an Enlisted Man.The Recollections of a Union Soldier of'Bostwicks Tigers,' 128th New York Volunteers. By Lawrence Van Alstyne- (1910) - 374 pages. Photographic History of the Civil War. Volume 1 - The Opening Battles. Volume 2 - Two Years of Grim War.
Volume 3 - The decisive battles. Volume 4 - The cavalry. Volume 5 - Forts and artillery.
Volume 6 - The navies. Volume 7 - Prisons and hospitals. Volume 8 - Soldier life, Secret service.
Volume 9 - Poetry and Eloquence of Blue and Gray. Volume 10 - Armies and leaders. Photography profoundly changed the way wars were covered and viewed. Any grandeur and sweetness of an aftermath of a victorious battle, which was once up to a painter to portray, all of a sudden became uninterpretable.
Losing its subjectivity, the true terror of war could not be hidden anymore. Americans for the first time saw the vividly horrific photographs of maimed and dying fellow Americans in agony slowly withering away on a battlefield far away from their homes. Astonishment and shock, not toward the cruelty of war as much as to the newly innovated barbaric weapons of war left Americans bewildered. As newspapers did not yet have the technology or equipment for making half-tone blocks, magazines across the land published cadaverous pictorial representations of the worst of humanity. The Civil War through the Camera.
Hundreds of vivid photographs actually taken in Civil War times, together with Elson's new history. By Henry William Elson - (1912) - 598 pages. Pleasants Photograph Album by Frances Pleasants. Photograph album of Frances Pleasants, who taught wounded soldiers at the Army Hospital in Germantown, PA during the Civil War. Presented to her by her patients, it contains photographs of them as well as other Civil War images.
Grand Army of the Republic. (An address delivered to Post, No 18, Department of the Pennsylvania Line, Grand Army of the Republic). Frazier - (1909) - 16 pages. A Collection of War-time Portraits. From negatives made by W.
B Brady, Government Photographer during the Civil War. Arranged by Perry Mason Company, Boston, MA. For The Grand Army of the Republic - (1904) - 24 pages. Soldiers' and Patriots' Biographical Album. (Biographies and Portraits of Soldiers and Loyal Citizens in the American Conflict together with the Great Commanders of the Union Army and a history of the organizations growing out of the war).
By contributions from Union and Confederate Officers - (1892) - 896 pages. Sparks from the Campfire - Tales of the Old Veterans. (Thrilling stories of heroic deeds, brave encounters, desperate battles, bold achievements, reckless daring, lofty patriotism, terrible suffering and wondrous fortitude).By contributions from One hundred and fifty comrades - (1893) - 630 pages. Grand Army of the Republic Handbook. (Members handbook that explains the aim, object and doings of the organization).
A collection of war songs, battle songs, camp songs, national songs, marching songs, etc. To which is added songs and hymns for special occasions. Smith - (1886) - 170 pages. Sketch of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry of Battle's Brigade, Rodes' Division, Early's Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia.By Robert Emory Park and D. By Elbert Decatur Willett - (1900) - 89 pages. History of the First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C.
By Edward Young McMorries - (1906) - 66 pages. History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Volunteers with a list of the names of every man that ever belonged to the regiment.Hurst - (1867) - 48 pages. A model Confederate soldier : being a brief sketch of the Rev.
Renfroe, lieutenant of a company in the Fifth Alabama battalion, of Gen. Hill's division, who fell in the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862. By John Jefferson Deyampert - (1861) - 16 pages. Books not listed due to space limitations.
Memorial of deceased officers of the Fourteenth regiment, Connecticut volunteers. By Henry Perkins Goddard - (1872) - 48 pages. A narrative of war time; a narrative connected with the heroic struggle during the Civil War for the preservation of our glorious republic (Connecticut Infantry 20th Regt). Sherman - (1917) - 42 pages. A sketch of the 29th regiment of Connecticut colored troops. Hill - (1867) - 48 pages.Sixteenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers excursion and reunion at Antietam Battlefield, September 17, 1889. By United States Army Connecticut Infantry Regiment 16th - (1889) - 48 pages. History of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers, during the Great Rebellion. By Homer Baxter Sprague - (1867) - 378 pages. Walkley - (1905) - 346 pages.
The Confederate records of the State of Georgia, Volume 4. By the Georgia General Assembly and Daniel Allen - (1910) - 642. Roster and history of the Department of Georgia, (states of Georgia and South Carolina,) Grand army of the republic.
By the Grande Army of the Republic Dept. Of Georgia - (1894) - 14 pages. Soldier's story of his regiment (61st Georgia) and incidentally of the Lawton-Gordon-Evans Brigade, Army Northern Virginia. Clark- (1898) - 304 pages. Under the stars and bars; or, Memories of four years serving with the Oglethorpes of Augusta, Georgia.
By Walter A Clark - (1900) - 239 pages. History of the 42nd Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Confederate States Army, Infantry. By William Lowndes Calhoun - (1900) - 56 pages. Company K, Twentieth regiment, Illinois volunteer infantry; roster and record, April 24, 1861-July 16, 1865.
Anaugi - (1864) - 64. Complete History of the 46th Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, from the date of its organization in 1861, to its final discharge, February 1st, 1866, containing a full and authentic account of the participation of the Regiment in the battles, sieges, skirmishes and expeditions in which it has been engaged, together with a complete roster of the Regiment, showing the promotions, commissioned and non-commissioned, deaths, discharges and desertions. (1866) - Foussat, Henry H.
A History of the 102nd Illinois Infantry Volunteers. Fleharty - (1865) - 189 pages. A History of the Ninety-fifth regiment, Illinois infantry volunteers : from its organization in the fall of 1862, until its final discharge from the United States service, in 1865. (1865) - Wood, Wales W - 240 pages. A History of the Ninth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. (1864) - Morrison, Marion - 95 pages. A History of the Thirty-first regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion. (1901) - Smith, John Thomas - 226 pages. From Vicksburg to Raleigh; or, A complete history of the Twelfth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry, and the campaigns of Grant and Sherman, with an outline of the great rebellion.History of the Eighty-fifth Indiana volunteer infantry, its organization, campaigns and battles. History of the Eighty-third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry; for three years with Sherman.
(1865) - Grecian, Joseph - 163 pages. History of the Fifty-first Indiana veteran volunteer infantry. A narrative of its organization, marches, battles and other experiences in camp and prison; from 1861 to 1866. Iowa Colonels and Regiments: being a history of Iowa regiments in the war of the rebellion; and containing a description of the battles in which they have fought. (1865) - Stuart, Addison A - 656 pages. A history of the troops furnished by the state of Iowa to the volunteer armies of the Union, which conquered the great Southern Rebellion of 1861-5. (1867) - Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham - 743 pages. [Volume 4 only] (1908) - 900 pages. History of the Second Iowa cavalry; containing a detailed account of its organization, marches, and the battles in which it has participated; also, a complete roster of each company. (1865) - Adtaken, Matthew Y. List of ex-soldiers, sailors and marines, living in Iowa. (1884) by the Iowa Adjutant Generals office - 768 pages. By Harrison Trow - (1923) - 278 pages.Kansas - A prelude to the War for the Union. By Leverett Wilson Spring - (1885) - 372 pages. Kansas in the 60's - Kansas Inf.
2nd Reg't - 83rd - Kansas Cavalry 19th Reg't. Anaugi - (1911) - 428 pages. Rebel Invasion of Missouri & Kansas - and the campaign of the army of the border against General S. Price in October and November, 1864. Olen - (1865) - 374 pages.Roll of the Officer's and Enlisted Men of the 3rd & 4th, 18th & 19th Kansas Volunteers, 1861. By Kansas Adjutant General's Office - (1901) - 162 pages. Soldiers in the State of Kansas.
By the Indiana Association of the State of Kansas - (1888) - 134 pages. Roster of the 8th Kansas Inft. 8th Regiment - (1884) - 48 pages. The 7th Kansas Cavalry - And its Service in the Civil War. An address made before the State historical society, 12/2/1902.
Found - (1907) - 162 pages. History of the 3d, 7th, 8th and l2th Kentucky C. By Henry George - (1871) - 238 pages.History of the Eighth regiment Kentucky vol. During its three years campaigns, embracing organization, marches, skirmishes, and battles of the command, with much of the history of the old reliable Third brigade. Wright - (1881) - 308 pages. Drafts in Kentucky during the Civil War. Adjutant Generals Office - (1908) - 20 pages.
(1864) - by Willard Rouse Jillson - 204 pages. History of the First Kentucky brigade. By Edwin Porter Thompson - (1867) - 961 pages.
Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands (Volumes 1 thru 3). Contains the detailed records of many thousands of Louisiana's Confederate patriots all listed alphabetically for easy lookup. If you have roots in Louisiana during the Civil War years, then you simply must have this! Booth - (1920) - 7480 total pages.Hopkins' New Orleans 5 Cent Song Book. (Plenty of Interesting Civil War Lyrics). By John Hopkins, Printer - (1861) - 20 pages. Military Record of Louisiana Including Biographical and Historical Papers Relating to The Military Organizations of the State. A Soldier's Story of the Late War, Muster Rolls, Lists of Casualties in the Various Regiments, Cemeteries where Buried, Company Journals, Personal Narratives, Etc.
By Napier Bartlett - (1875) - 480 pages. The History of the Third Regiment Louisiana Infantry. Rosters, Complete Record of the Campaigns in Arkansas and Missouri, The Battles of Oak Hills, Elk Horn, Iuka, Corinth, The Second Siege of Vicksburg, Anecdotes, Camps, Scenery and Description of the Country through which the Regiment marched, etc.
Seventeenth Maine regiment at Gettysburg. By the United States Army - (1880) - 72 pages. Brief sketch of the battle of Gettysburg; introduction to Maine at Gettysburg. By Charles Hamlin - (1897) - 13 pages.
History of the First - Tenth - Twenty-ninth Maine regiment. In service of the United States from May 3, 1861, to June 21, 1866.By John Mead gould - (1876) - 709 pages. The sword of honor; a story of the civil war, Maine Infantry. By Hannibal Augustus Johnson - (1900) - 96 pages. The story of one regiment; the Eleventh Maine infantry volunteers in the war of the rebellion.
By the United States Army - (1897) - 452 pages. History and roster of Maryland volunteers, war of 1861-5.By Maryland General Assembly - (1891) - 862 pages1904. Preamble and Resolutions in Regard to the Objects of the Present War, Introduced by the Hon. William Price, of Baltimore City, and Passed by the General Assembly of Maryland, December 23, 1861. By Maryland General Assembly - (1862) - 2 pages. Protest of the General Assembly Against the Illegal Arrest and Imprisonment by the Federal Government of Citizens of Maryland.
By Maryland General Assembly - (1861) - 2 pages. Maryland's hope; her trials and interests in connection with the war.
By William Worthington Goldsborough - (1901) - 416 pages. A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War. (1871) - William Schouler - 677 pages. A History of the First Regiment of Massachusetts Cavalry volunteers. (1891) - Benjamin W Crowninshield & Daniel H. A List of the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines of the Civil War surviving and resident in Massachusetts on April 1, 1915. (1918) - Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics - 340 pages. A Little Fifer's War Diary, with 17 maps, 60 portraits, and 246 other illustrations. (1914) - Charles William Bardeen - 347 pages. A Memorial Sketch of Lieut. Newcomb, of the 19th Mass.(1887) - Albert Blodgett Weymouth- 135 pages. A brief history of the Tenth Michigan Cavalry. By Luther Stephen Trowbridge - (1907) - 86 pages.
A hundred battles in the West: St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65, the Second Michigan cavalry, with the armies of the Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky and Cumberland... With mention of a few of the famous regiments and brigades of the West.Thatcher - (1886) - 518 pages. An Historical Sketch of the Seventh Regiment Michigan Cavalry. Isham - (1880) - 252 pages. Detroit post by the Grand Army of the Republic, Dept of Michigan. Anaugi- (1895) - 36 pages.
Historical sketches of the Ninth Michigan infantry (General Thomas' headquarters guards) with an account of the battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Sunday, July 13, 1862; four years campaigning in the Army of the Cumberland. By Charles Wilkes Bennett - (1917) - 136 pages. A thrilling narrative of the Minnesota massacre and the Sioux war of 1862-63 : graphic accounts of the siege of Fort Ridgely, battles of Birch Coolie, Wood Lake, Big Mound, Stony Lake, Dead Buffalo Lake and Missouri River. Clark - (1896) - 284 pages.
An honor roll containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Pipestone County, Minn. Anaugi - (1919) - 232 pages. Dakota War Whoop Or, Indian Massacres and War in Minnesota, of 1862-3. Foussat - (1867) - 428 pages. History of Company E, of the Sixth Minnesota regiment of volunteer infantry. By Alfred James Hill - (1890) - 60 pages. By the Minnesota First Regiment - (1910) - 557 pages. Organization and status of Missouri troops, Union and Confederate, in service during the Civil War. By United States Record and Pension Office - (1902) - 334 pages. Official register of Missouri troops for 1862. By Missouri Office of the Adjutant General - (1863) - 150 pages. The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers. Holman - (1899) - 39 pages. Missouri party struggles in the civil war period.By Samuel Bannister Harding - (1901) - 103 pages. Some lists of Missouri soldiers from the civil war. These lists were produced individually and anonymously.
All these lists are dated 1862 or 1863 - 30 pages. The Seventh Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion. (1891) - Little, Henry F. (1891) - Child, William - 650 pages. A History of the Eighth Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, including its service as infantry, Second N. (1898) - Stanyan, John M - 662 pages. History of the Second Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers: its camps, marches and battles.(1864) - Haynes, Martin A. (Martin Alonzo) - 224 pages. New Hampshire in the great rebellion : containing histories of the several New Hampshire regiments, and a biographical notices of many of the prominent actors in the Civil War of 1861-65. (1877) - Waite, Otis F. (Otis Frederick Reed) - 608 pages.
(1876) - by New Jersey Adjutant Generals Office - 966 pages. Register of the commissioned officers and privates of the New Jersey Volunteers, in the service of the United States.(1863) - by the New Jersey Adjutant General's Office - 598 pages. The History of the First New Jersey cavalry, (Sixteenth regiment, New Jersey volunteers).
(1871) - by Henry R Pyne - 358 pages. History of the Fifteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers.
(1883) - by Alanson A. History of the First Brigade, New Jersey Volunteers.(1910) - by Camille Baquet - 622 pages. Olen - (1901) - 200 pages. A brief history of the Twenty-Eighth Regiment New York State Volunteers, First Brigade, First Division, Twelfth Corps, Army of the Potomac from the author's diary and official reports.
With the muster-roll of the regiment... With the report of proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual reunion held at Albion, New York, May 22, 1896.
Clark - (1891) - 390 pages. A complete military history and record of the 108th Regiment N. Together with roster, letters, Rebel oaths of allegiance, Rebel passes, reminiscences, life sketches, photographs, etc. Washburn - (1898) - 504 pages.
By Joel C Foussat and R. Anaugi - (1904) - 442 pages. By Eugene Arus Nash - (1917) - 674 pages. Histories of the several regiments and battalions from North Carolina, in the great war 1861-'65 Volume 5.
(1901) - Clark, Walter - 958 pages. Letters from the Forty-fourth regiment M. A record of the experience of a nine months' regiment in the Department of North Carolina in 1862-3. (1863) - Haines, Zenas T - 144 pages. North Carolina in the civil war. (1902) - Sloan Foundation - 12 pages.Official army register of the volunteer force of the United States army for the years 1861,'62,'63,'64,'65. Adjutant-General's Office - 100 pages. Roster of North Carolina troops in the war between the states, Volume 2.
By North Carolina General Assembly, John Wheeler - (1881) - 723 pages. A historic sketch, lest we forget Company E. 26th Ohio infantry in the war for the union, 1861-65.(1909) - Kelly, Walden - 45 pages. A history of the Eleventh regiment, (Ohio volunteer infantry,) containing the military record... Of each officer and enlisted man of the command-a list of deaths-an account of the veterans-incidents of the field and camp-names of the three months' volunteers, etc. H; Teverbaugh, Solomon - 287 pages.
A military record of Battery D, First Ohio veteran volunteers, light artillery. McCook's regiment, 52nd O. (1900) - Stewart, Nixon B. Every-day soldier life, or A history of the One hundred and thirteenth Ohio volunteer infantry.
(Francis Marion) - 400 pages. A Brief History of the 69th regiment Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, from its formation until final muster out of the United States service. Reilly - (1881) - 106 pages. A Daily Journal of the 192d reg't Penn'a volunteers, commanded by Col. Thomas, in the service of the United States for one hundred days. Myers - (1871) - 203 pages. By Allen Diehl Albert - (1918) - 22 pages.A Sketch of the 126th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Watson - (1874) - 89 pages. By Septima Maria Collins - (1887) - 78pages.
A Narrative of the Campaign of the First Rhode Island regiment, in the spring and summer of 1861.. (1862) - Woodbury, Augustus - 260 pages.(1897) - Sumner, George C - 216 pages. Campaign of Battery D, First Rhode Island light artillery. (1913) - Parker, Ezra Knight - 64 pages.
Diary of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery. (1865) - Reichardt, Theodore - 172 pages.
Extract from the history of the Third Regiment R. Adjutant-General's Office - 32 pages. A Sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons, from the earliest formation of the Corps. By Edward Laight Wells - (1881) - 115 pages. By William Valmore Izlar - (1918) - 217 pages. By Ulysses Robert Brooks - (1904) - 624 pages. J, 4th South Carolina Infantry at the first battle of Manassas. Breazeale - (1917) - 38 pages.Company K, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers. By Daniel Augustus Tompkins - (1895) - 41 pages. By Marcus Joseph Wright - (1907) - 224 pages.
A brief narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee. Guild - (1915) - 267 pages. Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the. Anaugi - (1887) - 474 pages.Personal record of the Thirteenth Regiment, Tennessee Infantry. Vaughan - (1897) - 80 pages. Battles and sketches of the Army of Tennessee. By Bromfield Lewis Ridley - (1906) - 662 pages.
The 7th of the Southern States to secede from the Union in 1861, and now, quite possibly again. Made the ultimate sacrifice for more than a political ideology but for a way of life. Will Hood's Texas Brigade, Walker's Texas Division and Terry's Texas Rangers have a place in our Nation's history, heritage and struggle to evolve. Courageous fighting units without forgetting the individual soldiers hopes and dreams in published diaries, letters and biographies. Rosters augment this collect with the genealogist in mind. Included in this DVD compilation is a. That is the 1861 Texan Instruction manual for Confederate militia and volunteers. This manual is indispensible for Civil War reenactments.A History of the 10th Regiment of Vermont Volunteers. With biographical sketches of the Officers who fell in battle and a.
Connected with it - showing all changes by promotion, death or resignation during the military existence of the Regiment. Haynes - (1870) - 264 pages. Army Life in Virginia - Letters from the 12th Vermont Regiment. Of Volunteer Service in the War for the Union 1862-63.
The Battle of Gettysburg and The Part Taken by Vermont Troops. Benedict - (1867) - 32 pages. Credited to town, residents since the war or buried in cemeteries within the limits of the original Town. Goulding - (1891) - 208 pages. Vermont Riflemen in the War for the Union, 1861 to 1865. A History of Company "F". The First United States Sharp Shooters. Complete Rosters showing name, rank residence, age, date of enlistment and date of discharge. Vermont in the Civil War, Volumes 1 & 2. Benedict - (1886) - 1522 total pages. The Soldier's Record of Jericho, Vermont with. Lane - (1869) - 56 pages. The Memorial Record of Essex, VT. Butler - (1866) - 76 pages. Battle roll of Surry County, Virginia, in the War Between the States, with historical and personal notes. By Benjamin Washington Jones - (1911) - 82 pages. History of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, including that of the Army of Virginia (Pope's), and also the history of the operations of the federal cavalry in West Virginia during the war. By Charles Dudley Rhodes - (1901) - 214 pages.Last days of the Army of Northern Virginia; an address delivered before the Virginia Division of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia at the annual meeting. By Thomas Goode Jones - (1898) - 56 pages in 18.
Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war. By William Swinton - (1874) - 660 pages. History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.By George Wise - (1877) - 324 pages. History of the 12th W. By William Hewitt - (1901) - 260 pages. Virginia from 1861 to 1865 : with an introductory chapter on the status of Virginia for 30 years prior to the war. By Theodore F Lang - (1898) - 488 pages.
History of the 5th W. Virginia Cavalry, formerly the 2nd Virginia Infantry, and of Battery G, 1st West Va. By Francis Smith Reader - (1894) - 382 pages. Military operation's in Jefferson County, Virginia and W. By Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1881) - 826 pages.By Wisconsin Adjutant General's Office - (1881) - 789 pages. Wisconsin Civil War soldiers buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
By Bev Hetzel - 1888. "Old Abe":the live war eagle of Wisconsin, that served a three years' campaign in the great rebellion. Barrett - (1874) - 125 pages. Wisconsin losses in the Civil War : a list of the names of Wisconsin soldiers killed in action, mortally wounded or dying from other causes in the Civil War, arranged according to organization, and also in a separate alphabetical list.
By Charles Edward Estabrook - (1917) - 360 pages. This item is in the category "Books & Magazines\Antiquarian & Collectible". The seller is "rockyiguana" and is located in this country: US.
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